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★ Keep it FRESH when using Archlet

Understand how to use project settings cleverly and get more information out of every screen in Archlet

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Updated over a week ago

Do you need to only show a subset of your bid data or want to see how you can see which supplier provides the best price or is your incumbent?

Remembering FRESH will make it easier for you to dig into your data and to get all the information out of your graphs and tables in Analytics and in Scenarios!

📺 Video

Watch the video below to understand how FRESH can help you uncover more information and slice and dice your data according to your needs:

🎯 Key takeaways

FRESH is an acronym to describe that you can

  • Filter - add more filters in the project settings and understand the filter hierarchy

  • Reconfigure - adapt your views and configure tables and graphs

  • Expand - find more cost components or supplier rankings by clicking on the toggle

  • Sort - use column headers to sort by maximum/minimum values to find extremes

  • Hover - click or move your mouse cursor over prices in tables or areas in a graph to see more information, e.g. total costs or number of items or incumbent supplier

👣 What's next?

Tips & helpful resources

💡 Find more detailed information on FRESH and more tricks in our article Tips and Tricks when using Analytics - FRESH

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